The Golden Tower is here!


I am so excited that the final book of the Magisterium series is out. It’s been a long five year journey for me and Cassie, certainly for Call — and probably for you too, dear reader. I am so glad that it worked out the way we hoped back when we first dreamed up this series on a flight to Los Angeles, plotting it out and probably confusing the people sitting near us. It’s been an amazing journey and I have learned so much. I hope you like the way it ends.

For more information about the book, go here.

146 thoughts on “The Golden Tower is here!

  1. chase says:

    Will there be a series with all the character in the Collegium?

    1. Holly Black says:

      Cassie and I have talked about a Collegium series, but our schedules are too full right now.

      1. Melissa says:

        Oh, please do consider continuing this series. I enjoy it tremendously. I would like to read a Collegium series!

        1. We also, with my 8yrs old daughter Hilda would also love to continue our adventures with Callum Aaron and Tamara.

        2. ViniBR says:

          Omg, yes I am so excited to know what can happen at the Collegium, Aron said a thing in the end of the golden tower, that is killing me

          1. Lucy says:

            I am really hoping that you guys can come out with a collegium series!

      2. Landon says:

        I can wait as long as I it takes to begin on the Collegium series. I just have to say, what an amazing series. I read and finished the last two books in one day!

        1. Emma says:

          Omg, that’s so me too. I can’t wait for another book, if there will be one). When I finished the last book, and I was like, my brain just EXPLODED ;p I NEED a collegium series, and I agree, I will wait for as long as it takes.

        2. Shay says:

          Awesome book I totally want a another series so much that could happen

      3. Cole says:

        Yes yes yes pleaseee!

      4. Bob says:

        Please make a Collegium series

      5. Leiland says:

        Man theses books are AMAZING as someone who barley reads these books were really captivating so many things i thought i knew about call arron tamara and jasper were thrown out the window love what you guys are doing keep up the good work!

      6. Leiland says:

        Have y’all ever considered doing a movie if you do PLEASE get a good compony we don’t want another ready player one

      7. Jacob Hodges says:

        You have got to make one lol I’m in love with the series that you two have made this has been the best series I have read in my life I don’t think I could ever get so wrapped up in another world as I did with the one you two have created

      8. Rowan says:

        Hopefully after your schedules are cleared up , could you please write a collegrium series. It would make my day , year and life, these books mean so much to me and i love them dearly. Thank you for the series you have given us.


      9. Anonomys says:



      10. Jack says:

        Aww. I wanted a collegium series too. I read for five hours strait just becuse of how hooked i was by the Golden Tower.

      11. Ale says:

        Pls make a collegium series!! I’d love it

      12. Olivier Van Hee says:

        Can someone tell me if Aaron and Call fall in love or not because i haven’t read book 5 yet but if it isn’t would you consider it for the Collegium?

      13. Wyatt says:

        Please do continue the series every once in a while I look at my bookshelf and I always come back to the Magisterium series and binge read it. I would love it if you continued Call, Tamara, and Aaron’s adventures in the Collegium. I would love to have the experience again of rushing to a book store to buy the new books as they come out to follow their adventures.

      14. Cameron says:

        you cant end the 5th book like that please we need a 6th and possibly as many as you can make pleeeaaasssee

      15. Kas says:

        Pls make a collegium serie i love all of the magisterium book i read of over and over again so pls make ome serie of the collegium

      16. A Big Fan says:

        Hi, I know its been 2 years, but I was wondering if you were thinking about a Collegium Series with Callum, Aaron and Tamara. I really liked the series and im really hoping you would continue the books.

        Big fan of the Magesterium and Spiderwick Chronicles

      17. Aiden says:

        Please make a Collegium series I love you’re books and these ones were some of my favorites please please please write them

      18. MyMainManHavoc says:

        Hi, I read this series a few years back and decided to re-read it during quarantine because I had stopped reading for a few years so I thought it would be a great way to start again and I loved this book. I have seen that you will not be writing a “collegium” series until your’s and Cassandra’s schedules clear up, but that was a couple of years ago and I was wondering whether you still plan on writing a new one. I would love to find out more about Call’s soul and how Arron will behave, as well how Tamara fails from the prophecy in the first book, although I am not entirely sure whether she already had but compared Arron and Call’ prophecy she seemed to not have failed at anything too significant. All around great book though and looking forward to another one in the near future (fingers crossed).

      19. ekin says:

        The movie of MAGISTERIUM should be made

      20. Jonathan says:

        Hey Holly black iam from germany and the book of you and Cassandra were the best what i ever read before i hope there will be an Collegium book 🙂

        1. Holly Black says:

          Oh wow! It’s so wonderful that you enjoyed the Magisterium series enough to want a whole Collegium series, too. Cassie and I had a lot of fun writing it together. Our writing schedules don’t permit much room for co-writing these days, so for now the Collegium exists only in our imaginations, and in the imaginations of our readers.

    2. Elliot says:

      I would also love a Collegium series, it would be a perfect add-on to the books you already wrote, kind of like the Heros of Olympus as a add-on to the Percy Jackson. It would be awesome

      1. ekin says:

        I agree exactly if there was a movie, there was a movie in the book of Percy Jackson as the sea of ​​lightning thief and monsters.

    3. Aiden says:

      Please make a collegium it can’t end this way!!!!????????????????????

      1. Will says:

        plz do collegium series I want to know what happens in there college years

    4. Srijal says:

      I read book five before reading the other books. Will it be ok to read the other books after reading the fifth book?

      1. Holly Black says:

        You will know a lot of the secrets, but if that doesn’t bother you, you certainly can read to find out how it all happened.

    5. Ikran Abdi says:

      It would be so cool is Aaron somehow was brought back to life.

      1. Anthony says:

        If you read book 5 of the series then you would know but I don’t know if you have read it so I’m not going to say it.

    6. Jordan says:

      Well, this most definitely is not the author, but i have searched and searched this multiple times….but unfortunately, mt research has told me that this will be the final book of this series. Although i am disappointed to say this, it was an amazing book, despite there not being any more of the series… but i guess we will have to wait for word from the author.

    7. Tommy says:

      I really hope thier is another book coming out because I really want to read some more best books I have read in , my entire life I’m only 13 but still really love your books.

    8. Lachlan L. says:

      I don’t know if the author will ever read this, but I really wanted to convey the way this book touched me. I am in eight grade currently, and received the first books two years ago. (I know I was late). The first two sat on my shelf for awhile until I picked them up. After I finished the books the first thing I did when I was done was rush to buy the next three. As I am writing this now, I have literally JUST finished the fifth book an I felt it was good, but I felt there was way more potential to the story. I was thoroughly engrossed by the wonder of the Magisterium and the characters you two masterful authors created. I loved the sarcasm of Callum, and the bonds he formed with Aaron, Tamara, Jasper, Havoc, and even the evil characters such as Master Joseph. I watched as he had to choose between his father or his passion for magic. I watched his maturity and understanding of the chaos bloom. I loved his relationship with Tamara and had so much hope for the adventures to come. I believe that if you two were to create a Collegium series sometime in the future, kids and adults alike would all be captivated by the wonder that that series would bring. Long time fans and new customers would flock to what I have no doubt would be a huge success. I wish both of you the very best in whatever path you choose to pursue, just remember the joy you would be spreading by introducing a Collegium series to kids like me. It would be an honor for you to comment your thoughts about this comment, and I hope that one day I will be sitting down to read a Collegium series.

      1. Holly Black says:

        Thank you so much for this. It means a lot to me.

        1. Kayden says:

          I have just finished rereading this series for the fifth time now and it is amazing everytime. I have had all the books since the first book came out and it was great. this is my favourite book series and i used to be obsessed with harry potter but this is way better. WE need a collegium book series because the cliffhanger at the end of golden tower is killing me. But keep doing what you are doing and i Hope your schedule clears up as well as Casandra’s so we can get that collegium series. keep up the good work!

    9. Jack says:

      It’s now 2020 and I am still wondering if you guys are still busy. Please let me know because I have read the series over and over and I am super excited to hear if you guys will make another. Btw you guys are amazing writers. #CollegiumSeries2020

    10. Lucas P says:

      Please do, i recently fell in love with this series and cant get enough of it, and after finishing The Golden Tower, i was so sad that it was over. a collegium series would be amazing.

    11. chris says:

      you need to continue my entire school loves your books

    12. Bryan says:

      Please its been 3 years I love this series please consider it we all love this series we want to see what happens Next

  2. Chance says:

    Will you ever make a Collegium book series about call going to the mage college with Tamara and Aaron going on all sorts of adventures?

    1. Holly Black says:

      Cassie and I have talked about it, but both our schedules are too busy right now (especially hers!).

      1. Keira says:

        This is my favorite series of all time! I’ve never been so unable to put a book down! I’ve been reading some of these comments, and I would really love it if there was a collegium series. No matter how long it takes for it to come out! I honestly think that this is my favorite book series of all time, even though I’ve read the Harry Potter series. I love the work you and Cassie are doing, and hope that we get to see more of Call’s adventures in the future!

        1. Parker Krauss says:

          Back when i was finishing fourth or fifth grade (I’m going into ninth) i recieved the iron trial from my teacher. I had no idea what the book was, so it sat on my shelf for a couple months until i looked for another book to read, and found it. I cracked it open, read it, but for some reason, I just couldn’t stop! There is only one other series out of the 10-12 series i have finished that i have felt that way about before, being the Jack Blank series. I loved all the characters, and yes, even Jasper (hes just so funny). During the third book, i was so sad to see Alex as a bad character, because I liked him. When Aaron died, i couldn’t believe it and it just reminded me of what Marcus said: “one of you will die, one of you will fail, and one of you is already dead.” I dont know if thats exactly the way he said it… anyhow, when Alastair turned into a devoured, i just felt sad that such a kind and loving character sacrificed himself for the good of his kid, his friend, and the very school he despises. When Aaron got brought back and he and Call and Tamara passed through the Golden Gate, i felt giddy and excited, which again, i only felt on the Jack Blank series. (Read it! It’s amazing!) I was so sad that the series ended, but was satisfied with the ending. I’m sorry to hear your schedules are filled, and am eagerly waiting for another series to arise that captivates me like the Magisterium did. Thanks for the wonderful series and i totally understand if the Collegium is not a series, and will just have to keep myself busy with completing the magisterium series a 5th time.

          1. Bryan says:

            I personally don’t think the book ended properly. There was no prologue, so I couldn’t know what happened after. The book was amazing and I finished Silver Mask in under six hours and Golden Tower in under 12. But the end didn’t satisfy. Was Aaron ever able to let it be known that he was in Alex’s body, or would he be stuck playing the role of Alex? Where did the relationship between Call and Tamara lead? What happened to Aaron, was he left in the shadows, never truly feeling himself, did he find a girlfriend? What did Alistair do after he became an elemental? Did they start to treat devoured better, or were master Rufus’s promises empty? There are so many questions left from the book that could either be answered by an epilogue, next installment, a Collegium series, or by a tie up/epilogue book. But I don’t want to rush you, it was a great series and I would love to have a final wrap up that answers my questions.

      2. Tintin says:

        Please please please make the collegium series, there’s nothing I want more right now!

      3. Andrew says:

        Greetings from Romania! I just finished the last book in a couple of hours, i feel like it ended to abruptly and I think it deserves a Collegium series. I absolutely loved the Magisterium series , really amazing. Hope you will find time to write a Collegium series 🙂

  3. Sapphira says:

    This is simply a thank you! I saw this book on the shelves and felt a sense of compltetion and was quite bubbly for the rest of the day. I have been reading the series all five years, and I am so happy to have finally read the “end” of Call’s story (although I am equally sad my time with Call is over) I can’t thank you and Cassandra enough for these amazing books you have supplied me with and am proud to have The Golden Tower as the newest addition to my bookshelf. So once again, thank you! (Although I am rather curious how Aaron clears up the whole “new body that used to belong to someone else” thing)

    1. Holly Black says:

      Thank you so much! I admit I am curious how Aaron adapts too! It was such a fun series to write and I am so glad you liked it.

      1. Jamie says:

        My son read all your books in a few weeks time. He is ten, and loved your books. He said it can’t end on a cliffhanger. He desperately wants another book! Lol

        1. Holly Black says:

          I didn’t think it ended on a cliffhanger! But I am so glad he liked the books. 🙂

          1. Sydney says:

            It kind of ended on a cliffhanger . . . Because it said, “Aaron smiled and there was something in his gaze, something odd in those eyes that hadn’t always belonged to him. “I promise,” he said. “I definitely promise. So long as I live, I will never, ever steal another body again.” Call looked steadily into Aaron’s eyes. “I promise, too,” he said. “From now on, we play by the rules.” He smiled at Aaron, pushing down his flicker of doubt. He was a good person now. They were both good people now. They just had to stay that way.”
            And everyone freaked out because those are the last words and you simply cannot do that to us! On top of that, only Rufus knows about Aaron being alive- How will everyone else find out, if they do? Okay, I shall take an exit now. I hope more books will be on their way eventually (if that wasn’t glaringly obvious)! I love your writing so much! Thank you!

  4. William says:

    Please write about the Collegium experience for Call and the gang. This was a fantastic series and I hope you choose to continue it!

  5. ryan says:

    I really loved the series it was amazing.
    When you guys have time(which I hope you will) that you make a collegium series with Call, Aaron, and Tamara and even Jasper(and havoc). I would love to see what new adventures and relationships they have

  6. Dalyce says:

    Hello! I have read some of these comments, and know that you have talked about making a series with the collegium and I understand it won’t happen right away, but I was wondering if it is something you see in the future.

    1. Holly Black says:

      Right now, Cassie and I have talked about it, but we haven’t come to any conclusion. I think it depends on how we feel once she finishes the pile of books she’s got to write!

      1. Aayan says:

        I really hope that you guys do come out with a collegium series. Does Cassandra Clare have a lot of books to write or just a few?

      2. love the series says:

        i really loved the series i hope you will continue and make a collegium series. so sad magisterium is over. 🙁

      3. Connor says:

        Liked the series, hope you make time for the collegial series.

      4. Josh says:

        yo ik im kinda late but i finished the series and im waiting for the golden tower but it says it wont be out until September of 2019 and i looked it up and it says it came out in 2018 and im wondering maybe you guys ran out of stock or maybe its not released to the public yet but its gonna be a dreadful 7 months

        1. Holly Black says:

          I am not sure where you are writing from, but if you’re in the US or UK, the book is absolutely out!

  7. Ashlie says:

    I just wanted to say that this is one of the best series I have ever read and you are my absolute favorite author.

    I’m a person who has trouvke reading just one book, but I finished The Iron Trial and finished all the books in rapid succession. I’ve never been so immersed before!

    I’m also very eager to read The Wicked King!

    Thank you so much for making a series that helped fuel my love for writing and helped me excel in school.

  8. Kriti D. says:

    I loved the series and am so happy that The Golden Tower came out! Thank you for the amazingly wonderful books! Please make more when you can! We’ll all be waiting, watching!

  9. Lori Pinkley says:

    I am your oldest fan. No. Really. I turn 50 in one month 🙂
    I have been riveted to these books after my daughter shoved them at me and told me READ THEM. I loved the ideas you explored about chaos and the choices that people make when they are overwhelmed with no good answer.
    But you left way more questions than answers so please dont leave us hanging. This Maugris idea needs to be more than a plot answer and I fear that Maugris jumped with Aaron but only you can answer that. And you have only scratched the surface of your chaos ideas. I hope you can find time to do it justice. Until then, thank you for an ageless compelling read!

    1. Holly Black says:

      Hope you had a happy birthday! I am so glad you like the books. They were fun for me to write (and I am only a few years from 50), so I am glad that they’re fun to read too!

    2. BigFan says:

      I really enjoyed reading The Golden Tower, which I finished just five minutes ago. I can’t belive it has been nearly five years since I bought The Iron Trial. When I read it for the first time, I fell in love with the story and couldn’t wait for the upcoming books, but I am so happy I did. Now, I almost regret that The Golden Tower was the last one. I know you both must be very bussy, but I also hope that sometime in the futere you will be able to start and also finish Collegium. If it happens, and I hope so, I will be happy to read it.

  10. Annabelle says:

    Hello! Do you guys think you will ever make a Collegium series? I have read some of the other comments and I know Cassie is busy and I also know that I and lots of other readers are eager for another series. I wonder that if you decide to write it what will happen to the characters and what is the Collegium like? Thanks!

  11. Isaac says:

    Wow just finished book series and can I say something,just wow a beautiful book series by far one of my favorites and after Clare gets done with those books you tell her you both should start the collegium series because who knows the possibilities or creativity you could bring

  12. Maritza says:

    Yo leí los libros cuando salieron en español y tengo que decir que los disfruté mucho. La única queja es que son muy cortos. Siempre me quedan ganas de leer un poco más.

  13. Rusty says:

    Just finished The Golden Tower, and I fo hope to read more about Call and his friends in the future. You’ve said several times here that both Cassie and you have full schedules, but maybe in a few years you’ll revisit things?

    I was honestly left glad for Call, Aaron, and Tamara, but curious how things will pan out in their futures.

    Keep up the good work!

  14. Logan says:

    Holly, this series is my most favorite series of books or books I have ever read. I am really anticipating a collegium series. I think you are a great writer. Could you ever do a signing north of Chicago? As soon as I got the first book the iron trial, I was astonished by how good of a book it was. I just wan’t more of the series with all the characters. In my opinion, this series would make a great movie.

  15. Eric says:

    I hope you guys will make a series on the Colligeum.This series have been amazing.I cant wait to go and buy The Golden Tower and read it.Its so exciting i cant wait

  16. Ethan Turner says:

    I know your schedules are busy, But will there be a chance of it ever being written? These books have honestly been my favorite out of all the books I’ve ever read, There’s Action, Jaspers “romance.” There’s heartbreak and heartwarming moments, They even have Havoc, A formerly Chaos-Ridden dog. I think if you wrote the Collegium that you’d get more orders for books than before, And you’d still keep the income from people who are getting into the series as well for people who don’t know what it is yet. Just know that if you do decide to write another Collegium series or something, Just know that it’ll be supported by us. (and I’ll most likely pre-order if so.) I constantly read the series, As I keep re-reading it as it’s just AMAZING, It never gets old.

  17. When/if your schedules clear up, will you try to write a collegium series.

  18. Teddy says:

    After having your schedules cleared, have you considered doing the Collegium series? At least tempted to do more? I just love the relationship between Tamara and Call so much. Anyways, in your own opinion now, would you like to continue?

  19. Matthew Jefferu says:

    I would be really sad if there wasn’t books about calls experience in the collegium I think it would sell well and the first book could be about them trying to get calls dad back to living

  20. ryan says:

    plz make another series about call

  21. corey says:

    will there be another book 🙂

    1. Holly Black says:

      Cassie and I have talked about it, but we don’t have any plans at this time.

  22. Julia says:

    Hi! I wanted to tell you that your book was chosen as a Rebecca Caudill. (Illinois reward) I read it for that reason for my school, and immediately fell in love. I finished the whole series, and now I am wondering if you are ever planning on continuing in the Collegium? Thanks for answering and I hope the answer is yes 😀

    1. Holly Black says:

      Cassie and I have talked about it, but we don’t have any plans right now. Maybe in the future.

      1. Tintin says:

        Not to offend you, great author, I personally think it’s practically a crime to end Call’s series like that without even finishing his story during his time in the collegium, people are begging for a continueing series and I’m sure we(including Rick RIordan, I’ve also read every single of his books) all think it will be such a hit as it’s original series.

      2. Kai says:

        Hi Holly, can u pls write the collegium series? Your books rlly took me to a different place and I rlly loved them!! Pls make a collegium!

      3. Kai says:

        Hi Holly, can u pls write the collegium series? Your books rlly took me to a different place and I rlly loved them!! Pls make a collegium!


  23. Chad says:

    I really loved the series. I just finished the golden tower. I am sad that the series is over :(. I hope that you will write a collegium to follow magisterium.

  24. Connor says:

    Liked the series, hope you make time for the collegial series.

  25. Alex says:

    Hi, book was great!
    I hope it will continue in next series. Did You start thinking about it ? It will be great if Yes.

    1. Maximillion says:

      yo guys take a chill pill. its gonna take some time. i read all the five books in 3 days.

  26. Andrew says:

    I loved this series and have been reading it for five years. I’m super sad the series is over and hope for a collegium series. Thank you Holly!

  27. Tom says:

    Hi, I have read your series and found that it was like some others, yet better! I thought that the Golden Tower was a bit of a abrupt ending and would love to see more books. (Maybe when that pile of books is finished?)

  28. Nic says:

    I really enjoyed the whole series and think, when the both of you have the time, should continue the series. This series has to much untapped potential for it to end here. I know your very busy, but when your schedules are cleared up you should really consider it.

  29. Nic says:

    I really enjoyed the whole series from book 1 to 5. I understand you both are very busy, but I think it be great for everyone if you co to ur the series. I completely understand that both of you have a ton of things you are doing, but when your schedules clear up please consider it. It would make me and a lot of people happy to see more of these books. Thank you and good luck.

    1. Holly Black says:

      Thank you for letting me know!

      1. Anthony says:

        please make a book 6 of the magisterium

      2. Bryan says:

        Plz make 6 book!

      3. Nathan says:

        Hey Holly, I just finished book five and I really enjoyed it! I’ve been reading some of the comments here and a lot of people seem to want more (along with myself). If you do end up writing a Collegium series or add more to the Magisterium series, I was wondering if you could bring Maugris more into the story. He felt like an important character and it was a shocking revelation when he was first mentioned, but he never really came back up. I thought it would be cool if Maugris maybe took over somehow in the Collegium if you didn’t already have any ideas for a main “bad guy”. Anyway, keep up the good writing!

  30. Shaw says:

    these books were great finished them fast you sould continue when you have the time id love to keep reading books like these

  31. Cole says:

    Absolutely loved this series. A new series to go along with the first would be perfect and the opportunity for character development would be amazing to see! Would be similar to how Percy Jackson goes into Heroes of Olympus, in which all the characters mature from series to series. Hope once Cassie’s schedule frees up that a Collegium series will become a reality!

  32. Ethan says:

    I absolutely loved these books, most of it was very relatable, I finished the golden tower today and now I just kinda feel…. empty…. I really hope you will be able to write another 🙂

  33. Bryan says:

    Can you please make the collegium i have waited since last year ?

  34. Samuel says:

    Hi Mrs. black I was wondering if you could make another series at the collegium. You have a lot of fans including me that have read the other books starting with the iron trails and read it over and over and over. I had the idea that Call using chaos can cure a devoured of sorts and does go to the collegium has interesting life story including marrying Tamara. You have a lot of fans waiting. I have had so much fun reading your books, write back soon!

  35. Susan says:

    Thank you so much for writing such amazing and original stories. My son and I are huge fans and look forward to reading more in the future. Like many others we’d love to see Callum and the crew at the Collegium if you and Cassie ever have time. Thanks for all the adventures!

  36. Ness says:

    Please continue the series! Loved all the books.❤❤❤

  37. Holly P. says:

    I’d like to add my request to the many already here, and beg for a return of Call and friends in a Collegium series. Once you described the Collegium in book 3, I knew it would be a wonderful place for their adventures to continue as they grow up and start to mature – as individuals AND as mages!

    I’m also an older fan: going on 58 years of being a voracious reader. Plus, my name is also Holly! So thanks for all the fabulous, magical stories, please keep them coming!!!!

  38. Frederick says:

    It would be awesome to see another series of books in the mage world (colegium?)

  39. Martin says:

    The books are amazing. I read the first one for 3 days and after that i read the other ones combined for 2 days. I was so addicted it felt bad at the end. I had a hard time but now everything is fine. Thanks for writing this series!

  40. Cian says:

    I hope you do make the collegium series I don’t read a lot and I thought that was one of the best series I have ever read

  41. Srijal says:

    Plz make a collegium series

  42. derek says:

    Please, please, please make another series about the collegium!! I loved these book so much I stayed up all night to read The Golden Tower! I am getting now, what people call a book hangover. I read this great series and I don’t know where to go after this… If you have any suggestions of books that are like this series, or a confirmation that a collegium series is coming out, I would love either one. Probably the new series would be better, but I’m okay with just a suggestion!

  43. Nick says:

    I absolutely loved this series, I REALLY want a new series in this universe if you guys can fit it in! It’s absolutely amazing, and the fact that I grew up with Call was awesome! I got the first book when the second was out and kept reading from there and it’s been an amazing journey! Just hope you know that there’s definitely demand for it!

  44. reader says:

    when you get around to writing the collegium series, I want to help.

  45. Olivia says:

    Hi holly I just finished the librarian suggests books for me every now and then.when she suggested this book I only read the intro and I was already Interested.i’ve Probley have read the most books in my school!!!even though I have read Percy Jackson and Harry Potter and I haven’t felt so desperate to keep reading. I even ordered the 5th book from amazon because they didn’t have it at the library. so thank you for writing this!!!?? you have so many twists and turns in this series.i love it!!!please write another series just like Rick Riordon did with Percy Jackson. I love how you got call and Tamara together . I’m only in 5th grade and I’m asking holly Black to do this but can you suggest a age appropret book that’s fantasy just like this.oh and I so sound like a needy child right now but PLEASE write a collegium series. I want to know how call and Tamara end up.

    1. Jordan says:

      Haha I myself am only in 6th grade but also agree that this is an amazing book!

  46. I don't know says:

    I have had a read of the comments and do hope that there is a collegium series because the first time they met Marcus, he said ‘One of you will fail, one of you will die, and one of you is already dead.’ Call was already dead, Aaron was the one destined to die but none of them every failed, did they? Please reply if you think otherwise.

    Anyway, I loved the Magisterium and finished it a few days ago, it was amazing and I really felt for the characters in a way that I haven’t in any book for a long time. My favourite character was Rufus, he was very wise and I really felt bad for him because he didn’t know what his apprentices were doing on there wacky adventures. Also, I felt bad for Jasper until the last book when he became one of Call’s best friends and was willing to do whatever it took to defeat Alex.

  47. Jordan says:

    Wow… I just finished the entire series and went straight back to the first book. Haha… it was such and amazing series that I’m rereading it again! I would also be the happiest person alive if you made a collegium series! i love this series and would wait as long as it takes to read the collegium series! But take your time and make sure you have time to yourselves, too! That is one very important thing to do. Take care of yourselves!

  48. Name says:

    I am a senior in high school But could you please make a collegium series I understand you guys are super busy but maybe in the next 2-3 years
    I have been reading this series since I was 12 in 6th grade and it would be awesome to see how Tamara, Aaron, and Call adapt to this new life outside the magisterium.

  49. Ella says:

    I loved the magisterium series. I am eager to know how Aaron adapts after being brought back in Alex’s body.
    I really really hope u guys make a collegium series!

  50. Blake says:

    however long it takes we all hope or at least all the people who have left a comment are really hoping you come out with a collegium series, and I really liked the series, thanks!

  51. Garrett says:

    I just finished reading The Golden Tower for the 5th or 6th time and I’ve found that each and every time I have wondered what Call’s plan to defeat Alex with chewing gum and paperclips was.

    1. Holly Black says:

      I fear we shall never know. 🙂

      1. These books were really good says:

        First five books were awesome, not to rush y’all but what is your plan on a collegium series

      2. These books were really good says:

        Not to rush y’all, but if y’all decided to make a collegium series what would be the timeline in which you would start

  52. Matthew Godek says:

    Would you include a little bit of a “shonen jump” if you were to make a collegium series? It might be cool to see that there is a bit more magic use in the main and side characters. An example might be to let Tamara have a great amount of skill in fire magic.
    Happy New Years!

  53. Havoc’s dog walker says:

    I absolutely loved your series! I couldn’t put it down the whole time I was reading it! I absolutely love how all different ages can enjoy these books. I am in 7th grade but I know elementary school kids, middle school kids,and high schoolers who have loved reading this series! I am a “writer in training” and I love both of your writing styles and I hope that I can write fiction as enchanting as yours someday! I love the characters you have created! It’s amazing how they are not two dimensional but have many sides (Both the good and the bad).I understand that you are both really really busy but -I know that I am not alone in saying that- a Collegium series would be amazing! There are so many things in these books that have made me crave more knowledge of this world of magic! After all, “Call wants to live” and we want to be there every step of the way.

  54. Em Norris says:

    After reading your answers to questions about the potential for a Collegium series, I am a bit sad, but I want to chime in and urge you to write the series too. These five books are just wonderful–I’m a school librarian and love that they are appropriate for a wide range of kids and everyone loves to read them! I bought our school set out of my own pocket because I new how much our kids would love them. They fly off the shelf as soon as they are returned. Please, please continue Call’s story. And include Havoc–I love that wolf! Maybe you could even author them solo? Would that be possible? That way your schedules would not get in the way. It’s just a really fascinating series, and I love that the world of the mages isn’t idealized (like the Wizarding world). There is something more honest and raw about the mage world which makes it more interesting to me and suggests more complexity thematically, so I think the series really lends itself well to class discussions that can more easily apply to children’s lives. I don’t know if you will see this comment, but if so, please know that there is a whole school of kids dying for more Call, Aaron/Alex, Tamara, & Havoc! Please write the Collegium series!!!

  55. Phoenix says:

    I love these books and please ma a Colligium series i would make my life complete!!!

  56. Callum not enemy says:

    I AM currently going through withdrawal from the series because I read it through and now I need the series, because i have seen the texts and it is just killing me not to see the series i hope you are working on it now as i type this but plz for the sake of the quarantine that is happening i need this series

  57. Gurnour says:

    will there be a movie

    1. Collegium series please says:

      It’s almost been 2 years since the release. How are the schedules lately in this quarantine? Is there still a chance of the Collegium Series? We need one!!! I feel like there is so much left in the story to tell, and that it is just getting started. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Holly Black says:

        It’s so great to hear that you enjoyed the Magisterium series enough to want a whole Collegium series, too. Our writing schedules don’t permit much room for co-writing these days, so for now the Collegium exists only in our imaginations, and in the imaginations of our readers.

  58. A fan says:

    I Only like a certain type of books and in that there are not many, The Magisterium series has been a wonder to me and i was sad when the ending came. I Hope above all hopes that you guys will write a Colligium series, So many people will be waiting.

    1. Holly Black says:

      How wonderful that you enjoyed the Magisterium series enough to want a whole Collegium series, too. Cassie and I had a lot of fun writing it together. Our writing schedules don’t permit much room for co-writing these days, so for now the Collegium exists only in our imaginations, and in the imaginations of our readers.

  59. Naveen says:

    Plz continue the series ,it is the best series I have ever read. Perhaps something like spy in Collegium or Magrius’s enemies or something or Alex trying to take back his body

    1. Holly Black says:

      How wonderful that you enjoyed the Magisterium series enough to want a whole Collegium series, too. Cassie and I had a lot of fun writing it together. Our writing schedules don’t permit much room for co-writing these days, so for now the Collegium exists only in our imaginations, and in the imaginations of our readers. Sounds like you have been imagining already!

  60. Ethan says:

    Please make a collegium series it would mean the world to me I have re-read the series multiple time and each time I finish I am so sad that there’s not a collegium series as well so please PLEASE write one?

    1. Holly Black says:

      It’s wonderful that you enjoyed the Magisterium series enough to want a whole Collegium series, too. Cassie and I had a lot of fun writing it together. Our writing schedules don’t permit much room for co-writing these days, so for now the Collegium exists only in our imaginations, and in the imaginations of our readers.

  61. Wale says:

    Please we need a new collegium book and its been 2 years so your calendar cant be that full any more plzzzzz i cant tell you how much we need that book like boi we need it plz

    1. Holly Black says:

      It’s so great to hear that you enjoyed the Magisterium series enough to want a whole Collegium series, too. Our writing schedules don’t permit much room for co-writing these days, so for now the Collegium exists only in our imaginations, and in the imaginations of our readers.

  62. Bryan says:

    please make a New series I have been waiting for forever it just how Rick Riordan finished the Percy Jackson series we all want to see more

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