Come Chat with me on Wednesday


This coming Wednesday, I am going to be doing a Twitter chat mainly focused on the new issues of the new Lucifer, but I am also happy to talk about writing generally, publishing, anxiety, insomnia, my cats, fairy tales, other books I’ve written, books I’ve read but haven’t written and anything else that strikes your fancy.

(Also, I feel very fancy to have a graphic for a chat. Also, also, do you like my horns in that picture?)

I apologize for not having posted in a while. I have been writing like the devil, working on Magisterium 3, Cruel Prince and the the first six issues of Lucifer pretty much nonstop.

I’ve also been sleeping on a really weird schedule and rethinking my office set up to try and get myself out of that really weird schedule. I am ready for January and new New Year’s resolutions and a more organized life and, hopefully, some good news.

Also, I have set up newsletter technology! Or at least I think I have; i’m still figuring it out. Anyway, if you’d like to get updates on tour dates, plus special strange things and occasional ramblings, well look no further:

OH! And the first issue of the new Lucifer comes out next Wednesday! If this is the kind of thing that you’re into, I hope you like it.

2 thoughts on “Come Chat with me on Wednesday

  1. Josef says:

    Do Athurs one book. Like I can read about all creatures from the other world.

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